Construction work at MAVERICK continues as we head towards the summer months and look to take advantage of the favorable weather conditions. The roof is complete, crane removed and exterior cladding and siding systems continue their installation. The parkade is nearly complete and rough-ins for the electrical, mechanical and other building systems are ongoing to the suites and common areas within the building. Finishing material is being prepared and organized for the upper floors and will commence shortly.
With Surrey constantly improving its transit infrastructure, there is higher growth in urban areas and with the Maverick not only being close to the city centre it is also close to the Gateway SkyTrain station.
Surrey is one of British Columbia’s fastest growing city, but it is also one of the fastest growing cities within Canada. Surrey’s growth rate is 2.9%, which is the largest hike in the number of residents year over year of any single municipality in British Columbia. Hitting close to 1,400 new residents every single month the population is currently over half a million.
As we move towards the re-opening phases for our Province and our communities, please remember to adhere to all that we have learned to make this pandemic stay on the decline. Wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your face, make sure you keep the 6’ distance with others if they are not part of your ‘household bubble’ and wear a face mask when you are out and about running errands. COVID-19 will one day be in our rear-view mirror but until then be safe as we look forward to welcoming you to your new home in MAVERICK.